ECHA information for users of chromium trioxide
All users of chromium trioxide registered under REACH-IT have been asked by ECHA whether they intend to submit their own application for authorization for the time beyond 21 September 2024 when the current CTAC authorization expires. The CTAC authorization currently covers users of chromium trioxide in the gravure and embossing industry until September 2024. Beyond that, chromium trioxide users in the gravure and embossing industry would be covered by Kaspar Walter’s application “ChromeXtend”, if the EU approval is successful. The “ChromeXtend” application has already been processed by ECHA and is currently being voted on by the EU Commission. ECHA’s response was positive, i.e. ECHA recommends the EU Commission approve the application and grants a review period and thus further use of chromium trioxide until the end of 2032. The final decision is currently pending but is expected to be made in Q4 2022. Thus, there is no need for the registered users to react to ECHA’s request unless a user has prepared or submitted their own application.