ERA magazine Gravure News issue 187 published
Gravure News 187
The ERA magazine Gravure News includes reports about events, trends and technical developments, as well as company reports and socio-economic issues with respect to the gravure industry. The magazine is published at least once a year and is circulated in a print run of 2000 copies worldwide within the gravure community.
In this issue:
- Gravure and sustainability – a study by Leipzig University
- Gravure the sustainabily process – ERA Annual & Packaging/Decorative Conference 2022
- ERA supported Prime Awards in Dubai
- 10th anniversary of the Bobst press at Stuttgart University
- French order concerning the use of inks containing mineral oils
The Gravure News magazine is available to the gravure industry and those interested.
If you want to advertise in a future issue of Gravure News please contact the ERA office.